Bolt Dollar V2 Vaults

Supra Finance
2 min readApr 1, 2021


Double rewards using BTD-BUSD and BTS-BUSD

As you probably know, Supra Finance launched nearly at the same time as Bat True Dollar, Pikachu Crypto (One of our CMs and Devs) has a strong connection with Bolt Dollar and he trusted so much on that project that our first vaults were BTD-BUSD and BTS-BUSD.

Two months later, we still love Bolt Dollar (Formely known as Bat True Dollar) and we choose them as the perfect candidate of our enhanced vaults. These vaults has improved in security, anti-bot measures and performance.


1.- If you are one of our loyal investors using the V1 vaults, it’s necessary to manually unstake your LPs from vaults V1. On the other hand, if you are a new user skip this step.

Vaults V1 (Unstake from this vaults)

2.- Find the vaults V2 on our section “Supra’s Choice” at

Vaults V2

3.- Once that you have staked your LPs on vaults V2, it’s time to go to our Supra Farms

Earn Supra at the same time you earn LPs

4.- Stake supraBTD-BUSD or supraBTS-BUSD and earn Supra our native token. Don’t forget that all the Supra that you obtain can be staked at to win even more Supra.

It’s important to highlight that staking your supraBTD-BUSD or supraBTS-BUSD to earn Supra, causes that Your TVL at Vaults V2 migrates to the farm. In other words, if you want to check your LPs and TVL go to Supra Farms

WHAT IS A supraBTD-BUSD and supraBTS-BUSD?

This are proof of stake tokens, each time you use a vault, the platform returns to you this type of tokens. Most of our stake tokens have the same name structure, supra(Name of the LP or token staked).

In other platforms, this kind of tokens doesn’t have a use, but Supra Finance it’s innovating to give users higher returns for their money.

We will explain how stake tokens work and the uses that Supra Finance gives them in a later article. Right now, USE V2 VAULTS AND EARN DOUBLE REWARDS!



Supra Finance

Supra is a project for #Defi at #BSC implementing innovative low, medium and high risk investment systems